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  • Azalea Camacho

  • Beth Blackwood

  • Steve Kutay

  • Erik Beck

  • Eric Milenkiewicz

Discussion topics





Action items




DAMS evaluation additions


  • Look at an example/instructions for the Self Evaluation

    • Beth added an example at the beginning of the toolkit to provide more guidance

    • Beth and Azalea are going to work on an asynchronous tutorial (video/walk-through) to be disseminated to listservs and/or Open Forum before fully sending out to each campus


Project updates


  • Digital Preservation Guidelines

    • In progress: Eric M. is adding in learning opportunities with some context (looking to April meeting for completion)

  • Alma Digital

    • Northridge: Steve has gotten buy in from systems people to do testing

    • Sacramento: Erik B. has test collections set up in Primo VE; Primo VE makes the harvesting process more streamlined; Dublin Core metadata crosswalks nicely; Should be able to do evaluation by next month; Potential volume limits

    • Erik & Steve are going to meet in a few weeks to do an in depth look at their test instances and look at NZ collections;

    • Questions about porting outside data sources into Alma Digital collections/viewer: Alyssa will talk to Dave more about this since he is piping in ScholarWorks data to Primo (not Alma Digital but still applicable)


Other topics/goals for the remainder of the year


  • From our to-do list:

    • In consultation with CO and MWG, create digital archives development plan to outline and sequence areas of DAMS for digital collections rollout (Alyssa, Steve, and Eric).

      • Alyssa needs to touch base with Lia Ryland about MWG/DAWG sub-group

    • Build/install Hyrax test environments (1-4 locations CSUCI, CPP, CSUN, CSUSM) to evaluate DAMS Functional Requirements and build workflows. Consult CO as needed (IN PROGRESS).

      • Not much testing done yet, hopefully more to come in Mar - June.