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Reviewed and Revised by ERM Committee 

Table of ContentsIn-Depth Articles
Table of Contents
Child pages (Children Display)

General Electronic Services (GES) provide a variety of options to end-users in the Primo online services (aka "View It") menu. Most notable is ILLiad, but other common GES include "report a problem" forms, Google Scholar searches, ERIC searches, and ProQuest dissertation searches.


Currently, we have only one SAR:

If rft.genre=article, display=true

(Default is display=false)

ILLiad Books

Image Modified

The URL Template is slightly different from the one for articles:


Several SARs apply:

Image Modified

The first rule is display=false, so that any results coming from our systemwide shared library catalog will automatically be excluded.

The next rules are display=true. So if a result is from somewhere other than our shared catalog, and it is a book or book chapter, the ILLiad book option will appear. 

We also use a Display Logic rule to hide the ILLiad Books GES if our systemwide Resource Sharing option is present. 

Use Case: Report a Problem


Grabs the article title and plugs it into a Google Scholar search. This is handy for locating articles that may be available free via Institutional Repositories or are otherwise open access. 

URL Template is:{rft.atitle}%22&ie=utf8&oe=utf8

Display location can be just Viewit, or Viewit & Getit. If using the "both" option, you may wish to Disable service: When Resource is owned by institution


Use Case: ProQuest Dissertations Search

Grabs the dissertation title and plugs it into a search of the ProQuest Dissertations database(s). Since all CSUs have subscription access to at least one of the ProQuest disssertions products (Humanities & Social Sciences), make sure to proxy the URL so your off-campus users can get to the full text.

URL Template is: 

(your proxy prefix here){rft.btitle}&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adissertation&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&genre=dissertation
