Versions Compared


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The following procedures are for Chancellor's Office SDLC and the NZ administrator and the local Alma instances.  The Opt-in e-resource is negotiated and activated by SDLC and the NZ administrator.  The e-resource is ordered by the library in the local Alma instance.   Steps for both are included but libraries should start with the Member Library section of the procedures.  Vendor record policies will be set by the Acquisition Task Force.

Table of Contents


*See See Model 2 for Fund set up.  There is a fund set up for the Opt-in resources the CO pays the vendor.   SDLC sets up a "dummy" fund for Opt-ins.

Add vendor 

This will be completed by the Chancellor's Office before Go-Live.


  • Create negotiated License
    • Go to Licenses under Acquisitions Infrastructure
    • Click on Licenses
    • Choose Manually
    • Include name of the license
    • Include License Code -copy from contract agreement
    • License Type Negotiation
    • Status is Active
    • Include start date sometimes pulled from the vendor record.  Can leave the date as-is or enter in new date.
    • License location is Financial Office
    • License Review Status is is Accepted
    • Licensor –Choose Vendor record
    • Save the license


  • Change License Status to Active (if not already active)
  • Licensing Agent is  is SDLC/CO -they negotiate on behalf of the CSU (a vendor record will need to be added for SDLC/CO as Licensor)CSU 
  • Add Terms of Use under License Term tab
  • Add Members to Negotiation Details tab
    • Go to Negotiation Details tab
    • Click on Add Member button
    • Choose library from drop-down in Member option box –click on magnifying glass
    • Click on radio button next to library name and Select –if wrong library picked after saving, click on little brush icon and this will remove the library
    • Add Member contact email
    • Enter in price library pays the CO for the resource (this is the total cost the library pays for the resource)
    • Enter Renewal Cycle of 1 year
    • Enter in Start Date
    • Do this for each library that has opted in to use this resource
    • After each library and cost has been entered, Save Negotiated License

Activate the Opt-in e-Resource (this is an ERM task)

  • After the negotiated license has been set up, search for the e-collection in the Repository in the NZ admin
    • Go To Repository Search and change search to Electronic Collection > Electronic Collection Name > NAME OF COLLECTION from the the COMMUNITY tab if the e-collection was not migrated from SFX.
      • *If migrated from SFX, do the search from the the INSTITUTION tab tab.
  • Order the e-collection –click on the Order Button next to correct e-collection package (match the name as close as possible to name of resource from the vendor or coded memo or contract)
  • Pick Purchase Type: SDLC/CO will use Electronic Collection –Subscription
  • Pick PO Line Owner –Central Office
  • Click on Create PO Line (write down POL # -will need it for later tasks)
  • Add a license  –locate the negotiated license in license field and add in the Ordered Items section
  • Click on Material Supplier (Choose from list of vendors –should all be set up before go-live)
  • Click on the Select button after choosing vendor
  • List Price: Next enter in the amount of the total cost of the resource that the CO pays the vendor for that resource –not the total the libraries pay to CO (add up the total price the CO for that resource, if the resource cost Library A $400 and cost Library B $300, the total would be $700, this would not match the total cost listed in the Negotiated License. Currently rounding down to the lowest whole number for what the CO pays.  Will fill in true amount at later date.)
  • Choose the appropriate fund used to pay that vendor (Need more information about funds for vendor (Choose Opt-in resources but need a fund to pay for resources???for Model 3)

Click the Add Fund button once fund has been chosen (should see a new section added with fund information after clicking ADD FUND)

  • Choose Purchase at Vendor System for Acquisition Method (should be default setting)
  • Choose Reporting Code - Electronic Serial
  • Renewal should be set to Manual renewal
  • Enter in renewal dates and when a reminder should be sent ahead of the renewal date for that resource
    • Choose 90 day for reminder.  
    • Enter in Start Date and End Date.  If July renewal = July 1 YYYY to June 30 YYYY
    • Enter in Renewal Date for one day before expiration date so that would be June 29 YYYY
  • Click on Order Now –do not choose Save and Continue -Order Now will let you finish the next steps
  • A window will pop up with some errors, these can be ignored unless you see the message that there are no funds left in the fund account.  
    • The correct fund will need to be set up or add money to fund. (need more information for fund structure) After errors are fixed, try Order Now again.

Make Resource available  (This is an ERM Task)

  • Go to the list of Tasks –click on the Task link or the Home Page link to see a list of tasks
  • Locate the list for Electronic Resource Activation Task -Unassigned
  • Locate the resource that was just ordered (look for POL #) in this list of Unassigned tasks
  • Check the box next to the resource, locate Make Available in the drop down box and click on Change Status
  • Now click on the Assigned to Me tab to locate the Purchase Order to continue editing it
  • Go to the Actions button and choose Activate Activate (do not need to do for e-collections migrated from SFX Activate option will not appear.  Skip to the next section to Test Access under Action buttons)
    • Click on Activate this electronic collection service
    • Click on Make Service Available
    • Automatically activate new portfolios (aggregator databases only)
    • Click Next –do nothing on this screen
    • Click Next and Activate All if CSU subscribes to complete package, if not, choose Manual Activation and activate titles later with upload file
      • If you choose Activate All, click on Next and then Activate All
      • Check Monitor Jobs to see when the Resource has been activated Alma > Under Manage Jobs and Sets


Library Orders Resource  -- Libraries start here --

Library will will ORDER the  the e-resource after it is has been activated and negotiated license has been attached in the NZ by the CO.  The following procedures are one possible way for the library's acquisitions department to order an Opt-in resource from the NZ.

Member Institution (the process is up to the library but the CO must be vendor and material supplier):

  • Library needs to create a vendor for the CO in their institute before Ordering the e-resource (For CO/SDLC as a vendor, this should be a one-time set-up for libraries.)
  • Locate the e-collection in the Repository in the NZ
  • Click on Order  (Order link only appears if the library is listed in the negotiated license)
  • Purchase Type – Electronic Collection – Subscription
  • PO Line Owner – Main Library (Main Library is one option, POL Owner depends on local library configuration)
  • Material Supplier would be the CO in this case (not shown in the video) Choose the CO vendor record
  • Change e-Activation to 1 day to active search immediately
  • The List Price came from the negotiated license in the NZ admin
  • Choose Fund local to the library library (to pay back the CO -waiting on how this will function with CPO for now CPO process will remain the same)

Add Fund

Information about setting up Funds from the Acquisition Task Force.     There are some very good examples of setting up Funds in Alma, including creating funds for paying for CO negotiated resources.





Fiscal PeriodAvailable Balance

Business - Database CO

571ceAllocated fundAllocated fund

06/30/2016 - 06/29/2017

71,264.42 USD

  • Acquisition Method – Purchase at Vendor System
  • Add in renewal dates and Choose Order Now and GO
  • Remember the POL#
  • Look at Tasks for Electronic Resources – activation - unassigned
  • Resource should be active and now create invoice
  • (The following steps need to be clarified on how the CPO process and invoicing will work between SDLC/CO and libraries and if it will work)
  • Create invoice from PO -be sure to write down PO number for this section
  • Select the PO attached to the new e-resource
  • Edit the Invoice once the PO has been added
    • Edit the subscription date
  • Save and Continue


  • Locate invoice
  • Choose Edit under Actions
  • Choose Paid for Payment Status
  • Create a voucher number
  • Save and Continue
  • Check status of Invoice under Invoice search
  • Invoiced closes when it is paid paid (need more information-depends on local configurations but also need more information on payments between libraries and SDLC/CO)