Versions Compared


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General Electronic Services (GES) provide a variety of options to end-users in the Primo online services (aka "View It") menu. Most notable is ILLiad, but other common GES include "report a problem" forms, Google Scholar searches, ERIC searches, and ProQuest dissertation searches.


  1. In Alma, go to Configuration > Fulfillment > General Electronic Services.

  2. Click Add Service. (To edit an existing service, click its title.)
  3. Service Code and Service Name are used only internally, within Alma. Code identifies the GES for things like Display Logic. Name can be more descriptive.
  4. Service Description is also internal-only and optional, but can be useful for recording notes. 
  5. Public Name is how the service appears to end-users in Primo.
  6. Public Note is optional but can provide additional info to end-users. You may use basic html coding in this field, for example, to provide a web link. 
  7. Display Location can be Viewit (the online full text services menu), Getit (the physical library items menu), both, or none (effectively disabling the GES).
  8. URL template is basically an openURL will vary depending on the type of service.
  9. Enable without login -Yes means that this GES will display only after an end-user has logged in to Primo. 
  10. Disable service offers several basic criteria for display. 


Currently, we have only one SAR:

If rft.genre=article, display=true

(Default is display=false)

ILLiad Books

Image Modified

The URL Template is slightly different from the one for articles:


Several SARs apply:

Image Modified

The first rule is false, so that any results coming from our shared library catalogs will be excluded.

If a result is not from the shared catalog, but is a book or book chapter, then the ILLiad book option will appear. 

Use Case: Report a Problem


Grabs the article title and plugs it into a Google Scholar search. This is handy for locating articles that may be available free via Institutional Repositories or are otherwise open access. 

URL Template is:{rft.atitle}%22&ie=utf8&oe=utf8

Display location can be just Viewit, or Viewit & Getit. If using the "both" option, you may wish to Disable service: When Resource is owned by institution


Use Case: ProQuest Dissertations Search

Grabs the dissertation title and plugs it into a search of the ProQuest Dissertations database(s). Since all CSUs have subscription access to at least one of the ProQuest disssertions products (Humanities & Social Sciences), make sure to proxy the URL so your off-campus users can get to the full text.

URL Template is: 

(your proxy prefix here){rft.btitle}&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adissertation&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&genre=dissertation


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