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  1. Data Retrieval Service - customer maintains the log-ins and someone (ExL staff or the existing PQWS folks) retrieves the COUNTER reports twice per year and loads them.

The Response: The library loads the COUNTER report data, not (as the question infers) “someone (Ex Libris staff or the existing PQWS folks)”. It is way more than twice a year. The SUSHI harvesting is weekly and can also be done “on demand” if desired. The manual uploading is “whenever you want”

2. Usage of the same title available on different platforms

Question: Into Intota provides this, and it would be very helpful for determining whether usage of a title comes from the holdings in a database such as Academic Complete (with an embargo period of 12 months) or from the subscription you maintain to get access to the 12 months of content that isn’t available due to the embargo.


3. SUSHI service - clear error reports and ability to correct and then re-harvest

YesResponse: Yes, data can be uploaded and then deleted and then re-uploaded. Error report provided by system (JB: seems similar to USTAT error messages).


4. Duplication safeguards - if the same report is uploaded more than once, or duplicated by a SUSHI harvest, the stats are not duplicated within Analytics

If Response: If a user tried to upload duplicate data they get a message: The following overlapping data was found. Note that this data will be deleted if you continue with the current download process. (JB: seems similar to USTAT messages).


5. Ability to download raw reports from Analytics for local use

Yes Response: Yes this can be done and it can be done in a wide variety of formats.


6. Ability to upload reports to Analytics

Must Response: Must be loaded to Alma, with a daily ETL from Alma to Analytics


7. Ability to view the harvested or uploaded reports within the Analytics interface for troubleshooting

YesResponse: Yes, this is possible. You can also view the specific reports in the Alma interface and in the case of “trouble shooting” it is recommended to use the Alma interface. (screenshot in PDF)


8. Authority title matching to reduce duplicate listings and ensure statistics are properly associated with titles held on multiple platforms; ability to manually match titles where automated matching has been unsuccessful

There Response: There is no ability to manually match titles. We have not encountered situations where this has been needed. (screenshot of matching criteria in PDF)


  1. Incorporate data from Books in Print, Resources for College Libraries, and Ulrich's
         Response: On the roadmap

  2. Intota assessment can include usage for Open Access journals, or on open access articles inside non-open access journals.
         Response: Alma can get usage for data which comes from COUNTER reports. Alma can also get usage from the Alma Link resolver.
    Comment - NDM: Were we asking about JR1 GOA reports?  If so, that would be the best way to clarify this question.  Since Carol also wants to know when JR5 will be supported, I think what we really need is a list of ALL the reports in the COUNTER Code of Practice, both mandatory and optional, with the development status for each (i.e. implemented, expected Q_, on the roadmap).

  3. Overlap analysis: journals, ebooks and streaming as currently on the Intota development timeline.  Including functionality to check against external collections and unowned packages
         Response: Overlap analysis can be done already. It can be done on collections owned by the library (portfolios in multiple collections) and it can be done in Alma analytics. 
         In Q4 2016 it will be possible to check overlap with portfolios / collections in institution and in Community Zone. 
         It is also possible in Alma and in Alma analytics to create reports on “duplicate titles” (titles with inventory both physical and electronic).

  4. Ability to include/exclude platform & access fees from cost per use reports
         Response: The price is taken from the invoice lines of the POL and cannot be selectively removed.
              Analytics - Overview of calculation of the cost per use in the Cost Usage subject area with DB and JR1.pptx
              Analytics - Overview of Usage Data subject area.pptx

  5. Intota’s planned proportional pricing enhancements to provide more accurate title costs across a package
         Response: The Alma method of determining cost per use is very exact and precise. 
             Analytics - Overview of calculation of the cost per use in the Cost Usage subject area with DB and JR1.pptx

    Comment- NDM: Two things are not addressed here:  Carol's question re how Alma handles journals outside the package (is their usage lumped in?  what about their subscription costs?  can they be excluded?) and this question of proportional pricing.  I'm not quite sure I understand the proportional pricing part myself, though I imagine it is to do with the way journal packages can include journals that cost $250 and journals that cost $25,000, and they get treated the same way in cost/use.  We might want to clarify exactly what the desired functionality would be here.  Regarding the exclusion of non-package titles, this can be done with a filter in Alma Analytics now, but I have no idea how their associated costs are handled (I can't test because we didn't migrate acq data).


  1. "Out-of-the-box" reports corresponding to all collections questions for the major surveys
    1. Most of them are now available, but a few of the trickier ones like title count are not

         Response: Alma analytics has a very vast, well used and proven set of OOB reports.

      Comment - NDM: The OOB reports are good (and they are), but the specifically referenced report, Title Count, is not among them, and I don't see one posted by the Community, either.  That said,  we are capable of coming up with some of our own, to share among the CSU as well as other Alma customers.

  2. Automated collection analyses to aid in decision making, including benchmarking. May be part of ExL’s KPI work.
         Response:  Overlap analysis (portfolios in collections) and duplicate titles (physical and electronic) we have. Benchmarking and KPIs are on the roadmap

  3. Clearly identify BR2 (e-book usage) report "Section Type" (e.g. chapter, section, page, etc.)
         Response: A report of display titles for BR2 with the “Book Success Section Requests” is available in the PDF

              Comment - JB: This appears they cannot identify the specific type of section being reported, but lump them all into the generic "section requests" category.
              Comment - NDM: Looks like Analytics treats all BR2 data as generic "section requests."  
                    This answers the question of how Analytics treats the data, but not our request to handle different section types differently or at least have a column that identifies section type and allows for filtering.

  4. User-configurable adjuster for estimated average chapter length to allow better comparison between e-book platforms that report BR2 usage by page vs by chapter
    1. This would allow for more realistic "top performers" or cost-per-use reports across the collection
    2. As it currently stands, the usage stats from aggregators like PQ and EBSCO, as well as encyclopedias and similar reference titles, overwhelm and hide the usage from PDF-chapter-oriented platforms (JSTOR, MUSE, most publisher sites)

              This   Response: This does not exist and is not currently on the roadmap

  5. Development plans include creating a place to store, manage and use data from non-bibliographic services (study room usage, lib instruction sessions, etc.) in various analyses. 
          It   Response: It is not possible to upload data directly to Alma analytics. The data comes to Alma Analytics via Alma. In the case of the usage data: COUNTER reports are loaded to Alma, then from Alma there is a daily ETL to Alma analytics.

    Comment NDM: what we would like to know is whether it might be possible to manage non-bibliographic metrics through Alma.  This seems like a complex idea, so I think we should clarify it for ourselves before asking again.  For example, are we thinking this is something we'd want to manage through Booking?  Perhaps some of these metrics would be better managed elsewhere; though I can see advantages to having consistency across campuses, Alma may not be the answer to everything.
