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Description of case statuses (from ExL Knowledge site):


What does it mean?


A New Case.

Tier 1 Analysis

Tier 1 Support is investigating the Case.  If it's a customer question, they are working to provide an answer.  If it is a problem report, they are working on providing a diagnosis (for example: determine if the problem is a local configuration problem, a known issue, a product defect, or an enhancement request).

Pending Customer Response

Support has requested that the customer provide additional information to help us investigate the Case.  Further work on the Case is pending a response from the customer.

After two weeks in this Status a reminder email is sent to the Customer.  After two additional weeks, the Case is put into Closing status.  After two more weeks in Closing status, the Case is Closed.

Waiting for Process

When customers respond to a request for additional information, this Status notifies Support that you are waiting for us to process the new information and continue our investigation.

Tier 2 New

The Tier 1 Team may hand off the Case to Tier 2 for deeper analysis under the following conditions:

Tier 1 is consulting with a Tier 2 product expert to assist with the investigation;

The problem requires deeper analysis by an Analyst with greater product knowledge and experience;

Tier 1 has identified a product Defect, and is sending the Case to Tier 2 to verify that a defect exists.

Tier 2 Analysis

A Tier 2 Analyst has been assigned the Case, and their analysis is underway.

Tier 2 W4I

Tier 2 has contacted Tier 1 with an internal request for additional information from the Tier 1 Analyst.

Tier 1 Answer to Tier 2

Tier 1 response to an internal request from Tier 2 for more information.

Tier 2 Closed

Tier 2 response to an internal request from Tier 1 for information or troubleshooting assistance.

Pending Work Plan

Tier 2 has presented a defect to Development for evaluation, and Development has determined that the issue is still under consideration to be included in a future work plan for the relevant product. 

Cases in Pending Work Plan status will be reassessed by Support and Development periodically.  If the assessment results in the issue moving into the work plan, the Case status will change to Development.  If the Case is not moved into the work plan after 24 months, the Case will change to Closing status. 

This Status will only be used for Cases where the customer defined the priority as Normal or Low, and will not be used when an issue affects several institutions.


Tier 2 has reviewed the Case and transferred it to the Development Team for one of the following reasons:
- Tier 2 is requesting assistance from Development in diagnosing a problem or validating a defect report;
- Tier 2 has validated a product defect, and is sending it to Development to create a fix.

Pending Release

When a defect fix has been embedded into the code of a future release, the Ex Libris Support Analyst that owns your Case will change the status to Pending Release.

Pending Customer Testing

Two weeks after we release a defect fix via a SP/release, Cases resolved by the release will have their status changed from Pending Release to Closing.  However, if you are not yet ready to have the Case close, customers can change the Status to Pending Customer Testing.  This Status indicates that the customer is applying the fix and/or reviewing it to confirm the problem has been fixed.  Cases in Pending Customer Testing status will automatically close after 11 months.

Shared with PQ

To ensure the most efficient case handling and that cases are assigned to the most appropriate support expert, this case was transferred to the ProQuest Support Center for further analysis. 
All updates and future activity will be completed from the ProQuest Support Center. 

Waiting for Vendor Input

The KB Team is working on a Case that is waiting on necessary information or intervention by a third-party Vendor.

Product Manager Review

The request in the Case has been identified as a product enhancement, and referred to the Product Manager for review.


Support has provided a response to the Case that we believe answers your questions, or addresses a problem that you reported.
If you feel that the response provided by Support does not address your problem or question, please add a Comment to the Case to indicate what further inquiry is needed.  Cases in Closing status will automatically switch to Closed after 14 days.


The Case has been Closed.  If you are still experiencing the problem described in the Case, or you have experienced a reoccurrence of the problem, please submit a new Case, and reference the previous Case number in your Case Description.

Things to look out for:

  • W4I (Waiting for Information) Flag: Indicates which cases are waiting on an update from you in order to continue – should be checked daily
    • Should encompass “Pending Customer Response” and “Pending Customer Testing” statuses
    • Check and respond to these regularly to keep movement on addressing the issue going
  • Clicking on header reorders your case list either alphabetically or from earliest to latest date
    • Reorder the list by “Last updated” heading to look for cases that have not been updated in some time. You should ask for updates for these cases and escalate to Brandon if no response is received
  • Cases that have been resolved should be closed using the “Close Case” button. Leaving these open creates more work for everybody and takes time away from other cases that are still open.

Civility and tone


Dealing with systems issues is a frustrating experience. Understandably, emotions can run high after running into roadblocks keeping you from performing your work. Often, these feeling are compounded by the experience of troubleshooting functionality or data that should just work.
