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DEIA report


  1. Reviewing the draft charge, statement of purpose

  2. Considering a survey to inventory concerns of librarians handling/working with DEIA responsibilities

  3. Learning more about DEIA audits - can the goals or metrics be applied to DEIA Task Force activity

Sandra, Ron, Adriana, Jen. Inviting additional members

Next step waiting for strategic plan to align, committee will continue to move forward.


Committee Chairs

Committee reports


View file
View file
View file
nameStudent Success Committee Meeting Summaries.docx

Amy: SRDC setting up first meeting


Sarah Cohen

Virtual Meeting with Sarah Cohen/overview

9:00 time certain

Introductions. Sarah gave her background and what libraries/conosortia with which she’s worked.

Overview of process; refresh rather than new; will have check ins

December: look at goals

Group discussed pre-reading, time to devote at December meeting

Ex Com will discuss scheduling for December

View file
nameCOLD Presentation - Sept 2023.pptx



CO Leadership


We need to get the timing right considering there is an incoming Chancellor

What will resonate well with the Chancellor? Think about a one sheet. Suggest savings/power of the collective; student success

Dovetail with strategic planning


Ron, Ryne, Vivienne

CoP for Instruction--discussion and possible move to vote if it should be reconvened. What other groups are addressing this topic/providing this community?


Orginally proposed in 2018, convened occasionally.

Proposed topice: share resources like learning objects, practices, implementing/responding to changes and faculty looking for advice, CSU instruction scholarship/presentation sharing

Idea: sharing clearinghouse so we’re not creating 23 libguides for the same thing!

Motion: reconvene CoP for Instruction passed 100%



Skilltype Discussion


View file
nameSkilltype for People Strategy.pdf

Scott & Mike described the service and work at the iSchool

As a possible rescource as a conference travel alternative

It’s a work in progress. Mike, Elizabeth, and Scott will set up an opt in discussion



State Documents update


Challenge: our Network Zones don’t interact, so difficult to impossible to share workflow

Will need to have further talks with Ex Libris. Stay tuned.



Campus Updates


Ryne: Will request names for CoP Instruction. It will be law that transfer requirements are aligned. Interest about common experience for first year. Likely to be discussed by BoT in spring.

Curt (CSUCI): deep in library dean search, dean also responsible for writing center

Sandra (Bakersfield): New Associate Dean! Yay! MOU with clean energy initiative

Adriana (SLO): Closed library in summer for a major renovation that will take two years. Packed up/emptied building over the summer. Staff are temporarily placed over the campus. Transitioning to semesters. Thanks much to resource sharing! 80% of collection in dark storage.

Vivienne (MB): 60 days in! Filled buisiness librarian position. Speaker series on Japanese incarceration in February.

Pat (Pomona): There’s five new deans! GIS and cybersecurity initiatives. Graduate Resources center in library opened. Hired an Archivist.

Rebecca (SB): Thank you Pat, Scott, Emily, Ann, and Marla (CSULA) for coming to our Grand Opening! CSUSB doing Banned Books programming next week

John (EB): Big collections project. John is retiring at end of academic year, a recruitment will launch soon. The library is brand new building and we’ll get to see it in February

Emily (Fullerton): Building projects done including HVAC(!) and new innovation hub. Search process is underway antcipating new dean in January

Mike (SJSU): Celebrated 20th anniversary of building with an event. Launch of social justice special collection recognition including a lot of programming. Banned Book Week programming. Mike will be interim dean for professional & global education (iSchool in this college)

Amy (Sacramento): Diversity audit work from last year, carrying forward. Setting top five goals. Consultant leading through faculty librarian discussion for goals and shared values. Head of Special Collections search. Recieved state grant for improving faculty skills in data management.

Scott (SDSU): Recruiting and AD and other librarian positions. Working with San Diego public/library cards. Banned Books Week programming with public library, Banned Books readout. Growing comic studies, programming with K-12. Looking forward to hosting COLD in December.

Stephanie (DH): Filling positions – just filled OER Librarian. Campus received teacher training grant.

Carlos (LA): Many searches in campus leadership. Many searches in library. Programming for First Generation College day 8 November. Will send out Iron Mountain questionaire again

Cyril (Humbolt): Lots of grant work; librarian searches; 3 May Innovation Summit stay tuned

Debbie (SFSU): Enrollment challenges. Library is still buzzing with student activity and student traffic!

Mark (CSUN): Several searches including archivist & ethnic studies. Will need a systems librarian! Many events planned with A list speakers. Banned Books read out. Major gift of Charles Dickins is cataloged.

Jodi (Chico): Jodi starts officially October and is working with Interim Provost. There’s a lot of interim leadership. Enrollment challenges. Banned Books Week readout. Hosting a Change the Subject viewing with panel.

Elizabeth (LB): Enrollment moving from Academic to Student Affairs. Hiring staff archives position. Searching for Associate Dean. Working with diversity audit. Banned Books Week event with Jerry Craft and a panel. Assessment Roadshow 11 January.

Char (SM): Focus on acting/interim leadership plan for library. Support from graduate dean. Exceeded pre-pandemic building traffic. Anticipating a technology/systems librarian recruitment. New strategic plan moving forward. Developing a new maker space.


Ron and Stan State guests

Stan State Highlights


Special Collections highlights! by Mary Weppler-Van Diver

After renovation, Special Collections had dedicated space for storage, preservation, and a reading room. A true game changer.

View file
nameSCUA Library Deans presentation 2.pdf



Work flow implications – SRDC, renewal process in Consortia Manager, California Collections group


View file

Recommendation from NZ management group. Ann will proceed.

Lunch & Open Discussion


Ron’s team


