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Rapido is a step up from traditional Alma in the area of copyright management in Resource Sharing. Articles can now be flagged for copyright payment either through an approval process or automatically. Resource Sharing staff can occasionally run a copyright report to see which items were flagged and send the report to an organization such as the Copyright Clearance Center or Reprints Desk for invoicing. In fall 2022 an update will greatly improve copyright processing with the Reprints Desk cloud app and eventually other cloud apps in the same role. These will allow staff Staff can also purchase articles directly through the Article Galaxy or CCC cloud apps to pay copyright and request a fast copy of the article or book chapter simultaneously. More information on these apps will be provided as they go live later this year. There are two ways to approve copyright in Rapido. You can manually approve copyright to make sure you don’t approve copyright on duplicate items for the same patron or you can fully automate the processreceive the article quickly.


Manually Approve Copyright


Automate Copyright Approval


While not recommended, it is possible to fully automate the copyright approval process. To automate the approval process for each item triggering the CONTU Rule of Five you will need to make sure the Rule of Five is active in the Borrowing Copyright Rule List. To find this list go to Alma Configuration → Resource Sharing → Rapido Rules → Borrowing Copyright Rules. You will also need to ensure the rule is configured so Copyright Clearance Management is set to Automatically Approve copyright requests. This will send items triggering the rule to a Request Sent to Patron status with Copyright Approved marked for the request in analytics.


To see the Copyright Report go to Alma → Analytics → Reports → Rapido Copyright Report. Put in the dates you want to gather (the default start date is the Rapido go live date) and click OK. You can then send it to the vendor/clearance house of your choice and they can either send you an invoice or price list.

Update: The Copyright Clearance Center has decided they want us to submit each request in their system for individual price estimatesDashboard. The new report added after the CONTU rule of 5 was fixed in Rapido has three tabs of information for you to use. The first tab is the Articles Unpaid tab. This tab lets you view all the articles that have the Copyright Approved status, were successfully filled, and were not purchased through a vendor. These would be items you still need to pay by submitting the report to Reprints Desk or purchasing each article through the Copyright Clearance Center.

The second tab is very similar to the first tab. This is the Book Chapters Unpaid tab. These are items where the amount or scans from the book triggered the CONTU guidelines. Since students or faculty have been requesting scans of the books on this list it may be a good idea to purchase a copy for your library.

The third tab is the Purchased Items tab. This tab shows all the requests that were purchased through a vendor such as Reprints Desk or CCC. Copyright for these items have already been paid, so this is more of an informational report. This shows the price for each article and the total amount spent so far this calendar year.

The final tab is the Purchased Monthly Totals tab. This tab shows the total approved copyright per month, total approved with your vendors, and total combined. Along with this information in tables, a graph was added to this page to show the totals visually. All three items on this tab are also available as Dashboard Widgets for easy tracking when you sign in to Alma.