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There are three Letters in Alma that can be configured for Alma printing. The Ful Incoming Slip Letter generates pull slips/book bands and sticker labels. The Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter generates a shipping label to send a book to the borrowing library. Lastly the Ful Resource Request Slip Letter generates the Letter for the borrowing library to add a book band when receiving a book from outside the CSU.

Adding New Letter Code

The new letters can mostly be added without disabling your current letters. The new code can be added to the existing XSLT code and will only trigger for Rapido/Resource Sharing items while leaving the original letters intact for other areas of the library. To add the code follow the directions in the files included on this page. You can also contact the Resource Sharing Manager who can answer questions or add the code to your Alma.

Ful Incoming Slip Letter

The Ful Incoming Slip Letter is the letter used when printing Rapido lending requests at the Being Processed status. This is the status requests will be at when they arrive at the lending library and need to be pulled from the library shelves. To edit the letter go to Configuration → General → Letters → Letters Configuration and search for Ful Incoming Slip Letter.


By default there is no label for the book title in this letter. To add the label you can rename the Description to a Code that isn’t used in the final version of the letter. I recommend updating the “my_id” Code to say “Title” in the description.



Most of the changes to the XML code are made on the Template tab. Changes to the XML include fixing broken code for the External ID barcode, adding a return label for the borrowing library to use, and reordering the fields. Before you update the code it is always a good idea to save a backup of the original code. After creating a backup replace the existing code with either the Pull Slip/Book Band XSL or the Sticker XSL.

View file
nameStickers_ArticlesBook Band_Rapido_Ful_Incoming_Slip_Letter.txt
View file


Here are a few examples of the stickers and pullslip/bookband as they are currently configured. If you need additional configurations please contact the Resource Sharing Manager to discuss updates.

View file
nameexample 1Slip_Lending_Book.pdf
View file
nameLos Angeles Stickers 2.pdf

Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter

The Resource Sharing Shipping Letter is used to generate a shipping label from your library to the borrowing library. This prints for items with a status of Shipped Physically To edit the letter go to Configuration → General → Letters → Letters Configuration and search for Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter.

Before you update the code it is always a good idea to save a backup of the original code. After creating a backup replace the existing code with the following XSL.

View file
nameShipping Label_Rapido_Resource_Sharing_Shipping_LabelSlip_Letter.txt


Here is an example of the shipping label created by this letter. If you need additional configurations please contact the Resource Sharing Manager to discuss updates.

View file
nameExample 3Slip_Lending_Label.pdf

Ful Resource Request Slip Letter

The Ful Resource Request Slip Letter is used to generate a book band to place around incoming borrowing requests for the hold shelf. While we can make the local CSU+ letters work as book bands within the CSU we cannot control what the slips from Lending libraries outside the CSU look like. This slip ensures the patron name, book title, and any notes are clearly visible on the book.

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Here is an example of the Borrowing Book Band created by this letter. If you need additional configurations please contact the Resource Sharing Manager to discuss updates.

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Resource Sharing Return Slip Letter

The Resource Sharing Shipping Letter is used to generate a shipping label when materials are checked in after the patron has finished with them. This code is the only code where a clear difference between a Rapido item and traditional Alma item was not obvious, so this code will rewrite your existing code. If you need customization the RSM is happy to help.

Before you update the code it is always a good idea to save a backup of the original code. After creating a backup replace the existing code with the following XSL.

View file
nameRapido_Resource_Sharing_Return_Slip_Letter .txt


Here is an example of the Borrowing Book Band created by this letter. If you need additional configurations please contact the Resource Sharing Manager to discuss updates.

View file
nameExample 2Slip_Borrowing_Label_6.pdf